Sunday, November 9, 2008


Just a quick blurb about the fact that the ban on non-married people being able to foster or adopt children. This really gets me. There are so many children out there in need of SOMEONE to be there for them.

No one is perfect. There are no perfect parents. There is no perfect marriage. There IS the comfort and security of knowing that you have a loving guardian who will look out for you, be there for you when you need them and just CARE about you.

Who cares whether or not the person actually has 'sexual relations' with someone of the same gender?

Who cares whether or not the person is in a relationship themselves? There are plenty of single parents out there that do a better job of parenting than some 'traditional families' do.

Who is ANYONE to say that someone is not able to be a parent? ANYONE can get pregnant. ANYONE can become a PARENT just by sowing their seed - this could be the result of a one-night stand, God forbid it could be the result of a rape, of incest or of many tragic, ill-fated events. How is it that anyone feels that the male and female involved in the creation of those children are better equipped to parent a child than anyone else in the world?

Did anyone THINK about what will happen to all of these children that are affected by this?? Of all of the people that voted to uphold this ban, how many do you think actually have adopted or fostered a child in their lives?? These people had the power to vote on this issue, what about the children? Shouldn't THEIR say in this matter be heard?

The state should REQUIRE anyone who voted for this ban to foster a child. To SEE the need that these children have for someone, ANYONE to care for them...

It should not matter what label you stick on a person. Anyone willing and capable of providing a loving, secure household for these children should be ALLOWED to. I am just sickened by the results of this vote.

This is one of those things that I cannot get out of my head. But, I can imagine that NONE of those that voted for this have even thought twice about it. Why should they?

This doesn't affect THEM.

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